The Astrology of The Super Bowl with Ricky Williams

Super Bowl Astrology

SPORTS! Today we’re coming at you with an extra special football-themed episode featuring the amazing astrologer and former NFL player Ricky Williams. We discuss his NFL career, how he discovered astrology, and make some predictions about the upcoming Super Bowl. (Spoiler: There is a lot of Uranus action.)

About Ricky Williams

Ricky Williams NFL Astrologer

Ricky Williams played 12 seasons of professional football before pivoting to a career of spiritual development. As a Gemini (and real life twin!), his passion for learning has seen him through studies of yoga, meditation, astrology, craniosacral therapy, pranic healing, and Ayurvedic medicine. Over 16 years of astrological study, Ricky worked closely with world-renowned evolutionary astrologer Steven Forrest. In 2020, the two teamed up with Ricky’s wife Linnea Miron to found LILA (Sanskrit for “divine play”). The LILA app provides astrological insights for self-understanding and improvement and is currently available for iOS. An Android edition is in the works!


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